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Why Do Most Solar Leads Suck?

November 9, 2021Leads For Solar

They don't if they're YouTube solar leads!

Facebook is the most common source of solar leads. It's what most agencies use to supply you with homeowner leads.

Facebook ads - they are easy to make - just a picture and some text. FB campaigns are simple to set up. - pretty much checkboxes, multiple-choice. And on top of that, Facebook leads are pretty inexpensive.

You could whip up a Facebook campaign in an hour or two and start getting leads pretty quickly. So, on the face of it, it seems too good to be true. Easy, fast, and cheap.

The Problem Is…. Facebook Solar Leads Suck!

FB leads have one of the lowest conversion rates in the solar industry.

The problem is FB marketing technology. It's all wrong for a major purchase like solar. Facebook ads interrupt people who are trying to relax. That's why Facebook ads don't work as well as YouTube ads. They are annoying!

For the ad to work, it has to get someone's attention when they're not even thinking about solar. It's called "Interruptive Marketing." It works for dog toys, t-shirts, and cosmetics, but it doesn't work for solar. Instead, it works against the advertiser.

Facebook Ads Are Annoying and Cause No-Shows.

Facebook ads are why we have so many "no shows" in solar. These people don't answer their phones, and they don't show up for appointments. They waste your time. A lot of them don't even remember filling out the survey.

But the industry has gotten used to it - 20% to 30% conversion rates have become standard. But it doesn't have to be like that. There is a better option.

Check Out How Our YouTube Pay Per Lead Solar Model Works →


Good Quality Solar Leads by


YouTube Video Ads Are Informative, Entertaining, And In-Demand

Right now, the most effective solar lead generation option is YouTube videos ads. This is because great leads come from homeowners who are already researching solar. These people are Googling "Solar in Miami" or "What are the best solar panels?" With YouTube, you can reach out to these people when they ask these questions AND DELIVER THE ANSWER IMMEDIATELY. That's why YouTube ads are so effective. They are engaging, informative, and answer the questions homeowners are asking.

When a homeowner searches "best solar company in Tucson," you can show them your video ad. It's perfect because it's right at the time that they were planning to watch a video about solar anyhow. So you can offer it to the right person at the right time. And at the end of the ad, they see a call to action. That is where you invite them to talk to you for more information or get a solar quote.

It's a powerful 4-step process. Here's how it works:

1. Homeowners go to YouTube and searches a question like, "Is solar worth it in Texas?"

2. Because they're looking for a video, you show them one. When they want it. When they've already set aside time to watch a solar video.

3. They click on the "MORE INFO" button, which sends them to a landing page or advertorial where they take a quiz to see if their home qualifies.

4. You get that lead directly in your CRM in real-time. Right away.

Can you imagine calling leads who genuinely want to speak with a solar rep about solar for their home? It's a whole different lead conversation. And the best part is that the homeowner initiated it.

Solar Lead Gen KO Facebook VS. YouTube Leads and YouTube solar leads win

Stop Using Garbage Solar Leads That Come From Facebook

Skip the garbage leads Facebook produces. Stop interrupting and annoying people, trying to get them to click on a solar ad, especially when they are not even thinking about solar. It's annoying, and it's rude.

Or even worse, your leadgen agency might feel a need to mislead the homeowner to get them to click through to the survey –to get the lead volume higher. You might have seen some of the backlash against Facebook solar ads. Even if you haven't, your leadgen agency certainly has.

YouTube Ads Are Helpful, And People Are Looking For Them

Homeowners are looking for information about solar. That's why YouTube solar ad programs work so well. They are targeted at the right people and served up at the right time. It's perfect. Actually, it's genius. You have the information these homeowners seek, and video is the best way to deliver it.

Facebook Ads Are Cheaper In The Beginning But More Expensive By The End

Facebook ads are so much easier to create, and the ads are cheaper! But you pay more for that lead when you see how many leads you burn through. You will need 2-4 times the number of Facebook leads to catch up with the higher quality YouTube leads. And that doesn't even count The wasted time your reps spend trying to follow up garbage leads.

Why Doesn't Every Leadgen Agency Use YouTube?

Creating compelling videos is hard. It takes a lot of work to make videos with an impact. You need creativity, scripting, actors, voice-overs, and lots of testing. In short, it takes skill and experience. Unfortunately, very few agencies produce leads using video because video production is outside their skillset. But these are the very kind of leads you need. Motivated leads, homeowners who want to talk to a rep. YouTube Video Ads are great for solar lead generation.

YouTube leads vs Facebook leads a Real-World Case Study Comparison by

In YouTube ads vs Facebook ads YouTube for solar leads is the clear winner!

YouTube ads are a proven effective solar lead generation marketing tool. Videos are becoming a vital part of consumers' solar power purchasing journey, providing a unique way to connect with potential homeowners who are ready to go solar.

Visit our home page to read about the YouTube solar leads programs we provide.

If you think our programs are a good fit for your solar company click here to schedule a time to hear more about our YouTube Solar Leads.


Don’t count the cost per lead (CPL); count the cost per customer acquisition (CPA).

YouTube ads are a proven effective solar lead generation marketing tool. Videos are becoming a vital part of consumers' solar power purchasing journey, providing a unique way to connect with potential homeowners who are ready to go solar.
November 9, 2021 | Leads For Solar
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